According to Benjamin Franklin, without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.

5 Reasons why Career Development is Important

This is to emphasize the continuous process through which an individual must subject themselves to development to attach value to themselves in different areas, including their career.

 In this article, we’ll be looking at what Career Development is and 5 reasons why Career Development is important.

What is Career Development?

Career development is the process an individual undergoes to evolve their occupational status. It’s about setting goals for your career that you intend to achieve to position yourself better in your organization, workplace or field.

Achieving each level/goal requires work in the four elements of professional development which are:

  1. training,
  2. education,
  3. experience, and
  4. self-development.

Who needs Career Development?

Although career development is more vital to employees than employers, but everyone (both the employer and employee) needs to take career development seriously.

Career development is the responsibility of both the employee and the employer: it must be a collaborative effort because it cannot be done unilaterally. The employee is responsible, ultimately, for career management and developmentā€”and reading The Start-up of You is an excellent guide here.

The employer’s perspective is necessary in order for individuals to achieve alignment between who they are (their identity), what they want (their goals), and what the organization needs from them. The employer must provide an environment for employees to thrive while the employee must strive for career development as it will provide a roadmap to their future and also to make well-informed decisions, and increase productivity.

Stages of Career Development

There are 6 stages of career development according to the U.S Chamber of Commerce

Stage 1. Assessment

This is the first stage of career development. At this stage, you should focus on self-awareness and getting feedback from other people about your strengths and weaknesses. Taking self-assessment tests or working with a career coach can help you move through this phase with more ease.

Stage 2. Investigation

At this stage, you start to become more aware of all the options available to you. If youā€™re feeling confused or overwhelmed, then youā€™re probably doing it right and it’s important that at this stage you begin networking with professionals in your field and programmes like fellowships will provide you with the resources you need to grow.

Stage 3. Preparation

This stage is one of the most exciting because youā€™ve finally gained some clarity and are beginning to make forward momentum. Many people at this stage realize that they still arenā€™t working in their ideal position, but thatā€™s normal. This stage is about building the experience you need to move to the next point in your career.

Stage 4. Commitment

This stage requires more focus, or you become distracted from achieving your goals. At this stage, youā€™re focused on finding new opportunities and taking on additional responsibilities at work.

Stage 5. Retention

Most individuals feel relaxed at this stage because they’ve gotten more experience, are respected at the workplace or organization as a professional, and are more resourceful than ever to everyone around them. It’s more important to work more on yourself at this stage because adding value to yourself can’t be too much. Focus on achieving more career milestones.

Stage 6. Transition

At this stage, you have become an expert and probably realize that you’ve gone as far as you should in your position, and it’s now time for you to move to a new phase. This stage is mostly uncomfortable, but you would have already built the character and self-resilience you need to take on future milestones.

Reasons why Career Development is important

Here are 5 reasons why career development is important

Increases Motivation and Productivity

Career development gives you the motivation needed to achieve your career goals and also increases your productivity/work rate so that you can reach those goals.

Attracts Positive attention to yourself.

Attention to career development helps you attract top staff and retain valued employees, therefore, giving you an edge over other several employees.

Adds more value to you and your career.

With new trends/techniques/solutions being introduced to the world every day, organizations/companies are looking for employees who can bring more to the table than asked. Organizations/companies consider these employees valuable and most times indispensable.

Organization demands.

According to the World Economic Forum, Employers overwhelmingly agree that young employees need soft skills, such as communication, creative problem-solving and entrepreneurial thinking

Establishing the reputation of your Organization

 In a workplace where employees pay attention to career development, It establishes a reputation of the organization in the market. More and more professionals see the organization as a people developer and get attracted to it.
It’s important to understand that career development should be taken seriously for anyone hoping to build a good, reputable career.
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