Career Forums are platforms where professionals can get quality and relevant materials and connections as well as advice in order to develop their career. In this article, we’ll provide you with top 10 career forums with quality resources.
What are Career Forums?
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Career Forums as earlier defined provides professionals with the relevant resources to start or develop their career. Career Forums are important to professionals because it provides a network for professionals to meet other professionals who are in the same or similar field. With this kind of network, professionals are able to get quality resources and advice from those higher above them almost at no cost.
Some career forums also serve as job boards providing professionals with the latest jobs and internships across various fields. Professionals not only need career forums for the resources the platform provides but these forums are also needed to build social skills. Professionals can rely on these forums to improve their communication skills and netiquette as well as build their social presence.
Top 10 Career Forums with Quality Resources.
1. Reddit
Reddit is a social platform where users can discuss, ask questions and get the answers. The community provide a system where users can upvote or downvote based on the likeness of information or content provided. On Reddit, various topics are discussed and users can choose to follow other users based on content.
2. LinkedIn
Aside the resources it provide, LinkedIn serve as a job board for professionals. It is the largest professional network for professionals providing them with job and internship openings. A good LinkedIn profile where your professional experience, educational background and skills are well showcased can help you connect to the right opportunities and people on the platform.
3. Xing
Xing is similar to LinkedIn. With Xing you can stay up to date with the latest news about your industry and you can also join groups of like minded professionals to get resources, information and advice necessary for career development.
4. Opportunity
Opportunity is a networking platform which provide professional match making. The platforms connect users to the service provider based on their needs and users can be notified when someone in their target market need their services. Users can also discover and connect to other professionals upon the preferences they select.
5. Trackitt
Trackitt is a platform about job and job opportunities in the United States. Trackitt helps users to track their immigration process by providing them with a community where applicants who have successfully gotten a job and immigrated to the United States can interact and share their experience to others following the same path.
6. Spiceworks Community
This is a community created for people looking for IT and IT related jobs. The platform serves as a marketplace, connecting the IT industry to tech buyers and sellers.
7. Go4Expert
This is a community for tech professionals. The community provide free advice and answers to questions as well as a variety of tutorials and articles for members.
8. City Data
City Data is a forum for jobs discussion. Users share their experience on job interviews and experience as well as give tips on resumes and recruiters.
9. Slack
Slack facilitates easy communication and collaboration among teams in workplaces. Its majorly used by professionals to connect remotely to other professionals and it also has several communities for like minded people and professionals to meet.
10. Facebook
Facebook comes last on the list but it’s definitely not the least. Facebook has different groups for different professions and topics and users can get all the help, answers and assistance they need. All that is needed is for you to signup and search for the community they feel will provide them with the necessary assistance.